
Experience the Unique Ongoing Food Revolution of Dublin

People opting for a Food Tour Dublin are in for the most memorable experience of their lives. Dublin is not only famous for its celebration of music but it is also home to a food revolution. Hence visitors are treated to both the dazzling beauty of the city and a delicious extravaganza of food. Pubs, food shops, markets are some of the gems this Irish city has on offer and a guided tour leaves one pleasantly surprised with the beauty of the place and satisfyingly satiated.

The uniqueness of flavours and ingredients is a result of the beautiful landscape shaped by the mild summers, soft rains and winters of Dublin. With its tasty creamy milk enjoying a global popularity, the smoked and matured variety of cheeses and unbelievably tasty ice-creams available here, are a food connoisseur’s delight.

Other famous highpoints of Dublin food include the seafood, a produce of the beautiful and bountiful temperate waters of the Irish coast and the delightfully luxurious liqueur that is made here. A traditional Irish meal is incomplete without the inclusion of its breads which are made from cereals that are inherently grown, pork dishes, potato dishes which seems more like a staple here, seafood etc., washed down by alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages.

Dublin is an amazing fusion of traditional and continental food. Hence Chinese, Thai, West African, Polish cuisines are readily available here along with fast food such as the pizza and the fish and chips. Hence the food lover is treated to a variety that is rarely available somewhere else and also has the choice of alternately trying out different cuisines on a visit to Dublin.

Of course a trip to Dublin would be absolutely incomplete without one trying out the famous Irish Breakfast, the potato bread, the coddle, the world famous Irish Stew and the two different types of Seaweed available here making this a haven for food lovers from across the world.