
P-Shot in Houston, TX. Enhance Your Sexual Health and Performance With P-Shots at New You Wellness Center. 

You are not alone if you are having problems with your sexual health. Erectile dysfunction, early ejaculation, and other sexual health problems affect millions of men and can be detrimental to their self-esteem and relationships. That is why New You Wellness Center is glad to offer P-Shot in Houston, TX. This is a revolutionary treatment that has been proven to enhance men’s sexual health immensely. The procedure basically entails drawing a small amount of blood from the patient and processing the blood to obtain platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and then injecting the plasma directly into one’s penis. Read through for more information on what the process entails, the working mechanism, ideal candidates, other benefits, etc. New You Wellness Center is a top destination for Houston, Texas, residents seeking P-Shot and O-Shot treatments.

P-Shot: What Is It?

P-Shot or Priapus Shot in full is a non-invasive treatment aimed at enhancing men’s sex health. A man’s genital is injected with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) during the treatment. As aforementioned, PRP is processed from the patient’s blood and contains a wealth of growth factors that improve tissue growth and healing in that location, improving sexual function.

Who is an Ideal Candidate For The P-Shot?

The P-Shot can immensely enhance men’s sexual performance. It is basically recommended for men who have lost proper sexual function as a result of several factors including:

  • Diabetes
  • Medication side effects
  • Prostate cancer
  • Enlarged prostate
  • Surgical aftereffects
  • Other illnesses, etc.

The Priapus Shot is a very helpful treatment for men with erectile dysfunction (ED). An estimated 25 million men in America suffer from ED. Men also start experiencing the problem of getting and maintaining an erection naturally as they age and this can cause lots of marital and self-esteem problems. The P-Shot can, however, revert such situations.

What is The Working Mechanism Behind The P-Shot?

As aforementioned, P-Shot involves directly administering platelet-rich plasma into a person’s penis. Wherever they are administered in the body, the growth factors and proteins that are liberated by the high platelet concentration in PRP activate stem cells and promote cellular repair and regeneration. Furthermore, the synthesis of collagen and the development of new blood vessels take place and contribute to tissue healing.

Does a P-Shot Treatment Require Any Preparation?

Other than to hydrate, there is nothing you need to do before receiving these injections! First, we draw a tiny amount of blood from you. The drawn blood from the patient is placed in a centrifuge that isolates red blood cells from the plasma, platelets, stem cells, and white blood cells. All that’s left is highly concentrated platelet-rich plasma (PRP), which possesses remarkable healing and regeneration properties.

What are The Benefits of P-Shot Treatment?

P-Shot, such as the one provided by New You Wellness Center in Houston, TX, can be extremely helpful in treating a number of sex-related health conditions, such as Peyronie’s disease and erectile dysfunction. P-Shot also has the following additional benefits:

  • Increase in penile size.
  • Enhanced sexual function.
  • Increased sensation and pleasure.
  • Enhanced stamina during sex.
  • Stronger and firmer erections.
  • Improved blood flow and circulation.
  • Resolved or improved urinary incontinence.
  • Decreased lumpiness.
  • Straightened penis.

Are There Any Post-Procedure Activities?

Yes, there are. Most med spas will prescribe a VED (Vacuum Erection Device) that will improve the blood flow in order to get the best results from the process. The device is often used twice daily a few minutes each time for a period of like 2 weeks. Don’t worry! Experts at our medical spa will guide you on using it.

Do I Require Recovery Time After P-Shot?

No, you don’t. You can resume your daily activities and even sex immediately after treatment.

Does P-Shot Cause Any Pain?

A P-Shot injection may cause a little pain at the injection site. However, your cosmetic injector will normally use a numbing cream to alleviate it.

Are There Any Possible Side Effects of P-Shot Injections?

PRP is processed from your own blood, hence, you can expect only a few, if any, possible negative effects. These may include a little discomfort, bruising or mild bleeding, edema, and in rare cases, infection at the injection site.

Enhance Your Sexual Health and Performance With P-Shot Injections at The Best Medical Spa in Houston, Texas.

We at New You Wellness Center take great pride in differentiating ourselves from other cosmetic clinics. We offer a wide range of treatments to ensure that everyone achieves the results and appearance that they desire. We are honored to be one of the first med spas in Houston, TX to offer P-Shot injections. Contact us today and let our experts evaluate your needs and preferences and guide you through this revolutionary procedure. We are the best medical spa in Houston and beyond for a reason!