

There are many advantages of using electronic fuel injection (EFI) rather than carburetors for fuel delivery when it comes to UAV engines. However, these advantages can only be realized with thorough calibration and integration for all engine installations. If you’re interested in taking advantage of electronic fuel injection, here is some information about how quick fuel EFI systems work and the general advantages of these systems.

How Do EFI Systems Work?

The use of the carburetor is eliminated entirely when it comes to EFI systems. A rotating valve or butterfly allows airflow regulation to be achieved. However, a fuel injector, which is electronically controlled, is responsible for delivering the right amount of fuel. The fuel injector can regulate the amount of air and fuel delivered independently. Sensors provide the system with information to determine the required air and fuel delivery. Some of these sensors include the crank position sensor, cylinder head temperature sensor, the inlet manifold air sensor, the throttle position sensor, and the barometric and manifold pressure sensors.

The electronic control unit is responsible for performing the computations needed to optimize ignition timing and fuel delivery. EFI systems allow the ratio between fuel and air to be adjusted according to ambient temperature, altitude, and other operating conditions. Engine requirements like cold/hot start, throttle opening, and power-overrun conditions have to be taken into consideration.

Lower Fuel Consumption

One of the main advantages of quick fuel EFI is the lower fuel consumption. This is thanks to the electronic control system, which regularly monitors and adjusts the fuel/air ratio to maintain ideal conditions for combustion. On the other hand, small carburetors have a tendency to deliver at a high fuel/air ratio at both high and lower power input. Carburetors are inefficient particularly when used in conditions with varying power. This is because it is difficult for carburetors to optimize the fuel/air ratio for every throttle setting.

Works with Heavy Fuel

Another advantage of the quick fuel EFI is that it uses heavy fuel effectively. In comparison, it is difficult for a small engine to operate on heavy fuel with carburetors. For efficient heavy fuel operation, the EFI is necessary.

More Power

An engine is equipped with EFI is able to provide higher torque and power than the same engine equipped with the carburetor. With carburetors, it is difficult to optimize torque or power for many different types of engine speeds. On the other hand, EFI systems can optimize ignition and air/fuel ratios over many different operating speeds. Usually, engines equipped with EFI systems are able to produce five to 10 percent more power than an engine equipped with a carburetor.

Undoubtedly, there are many advantages of quick fuel EFI and electronic fuel injection in general, particularly in comparison to carburetors. For more information about the benefits of electronic fuel injection, don’t hesitate to contact Team C Performance Center at 1 (888) 866-3555.